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Choose the type of component your looking for.
Choose the type of component your looking for.
FAQ Accordion
A smooth FAQ section that transitions properly is something many sites are truly missing. This FAQ accordion is smooth and let's you change just about any style setting through property controls in Framer. Space it as you wish and give it shadows/borders. Simply add your questions and answers in the property control panel and your component will automatically update.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.
Testimonial Slider
This Testimonial Slider component is built for Framer and uses Framer Motion to smoothly transition between different testimonials. It offers a variety of animations—including fade, slide, zoom, flip, rotate, slide left, bounce, roll, and combined—to deliver dynamic slide effects. The component displays testimonial text, author details, and profile images, which are automatically rendered as circular to create a consistent profile look. Navigation arrows are fully customizable with options for background color, blur, and insets, ensuring that they don’t interfere with the slide content. Additionally, the component supports customizable container borders, drop shadows, and gradient backgrounds for a highly flexible and visually appealing design.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.
Responsive Navbar
A navbar that's easy to copy and paste into new code component to your Framer project, offering an array of styling and setting features such as sticky position, background blur, logo upload, and many others. My favorite feature is the 'hide @ footer' option that makes it super easy to hide the navbar once the footer is in view. All you need to do is give your footers a scroll section title of 'footer' and match the name in component's property control panel.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.
FAQ Accordion
A smooth FAQ section that transitions properly is something many sites are truly missing. This FAQ accordion is smooth and let's you change just about any style setting through property controls in Framer. Space it as you wish and give it shadows/borders. Simply add your questions and answers in the property control panel and your component will automatically update.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.
Testimonial Slider
This Testimonial Slider component is built for Framer and uses Framer Motion to smoothly transition between different testimonials. It offers a variety of animations—including fade, slide, zoom, flip, rotate, slide left, bounce, roll, and combined—to deliver dynamic slide effects. The component displays testimonial text, author details, and profile images, which are automatically rendered as circular to create a consistent profile look. Navigation arrows are fully customizable with options for background color, blur, and insets, ensuring that they don’t interfere with the slide content. Additionally, the component supports customizable container borders, drop shadows, and gradient backgrounds for a highly flexible and visually appealing design.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.
Responsive Navbar
A navbar that's easy to copy and paste into new code component to your Framer project, offering an array of styling and setting features such as sticky position, background blur, logo upload, and many others. My favorite feature is the 'hide @ footer' option that makes it super easy to hide the navbar once the footer is in view. All you need to do is give your footers a scroll section title of 'footer' and match the name in component's property control panel.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.
FAQ Accordion
A smooth FAQ section that transitions properly is something many sites are truly missing. This FAQ accordion is smooth and let's you change just about any style setting through property controls in Framer. Space it as you wish and give it shadows/borders. Simply add your questions and answers in the property control panel and your component will automatically update.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.
Testimonial Slider
This Testimonial Slider component is built for Framer and uses Framer Motion to smoothly transition between different testimonials. It offers a variety of animations—including fade, slide, zoom, flip, rotate, slide left, bounce, roll, and combined—to deliver dynamic slide effects. The component displays testimonial text, author details, and profile images, which are automatically rendered as circular to create a consistent profile look. Navigation arrows are fully customizable with options for background color, blur, and insets, ensuring that they don’t interfere with the slide content. Additionally, the component supports customizable container borders, drop shadows, and gradient backgrounds for a highly flexible and visually appealing design.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.
Responsive Navbar
A navbar that's easy to copy and paste into new code component to your Framer project, offering an array of styling and setting features such as sticky position, background blur, logo upload, and many others. My favorite feature is the 'hide @ footer' option that makes it super easy to hide the navbar once the footer is in view. All you need to do is give your footers a scroll section title of 'footer' and match the name in component's property control panel.
Simply copy and paste component into your Framer project and customize.
Select 'Instructions' to read how to setup the component and to learn about it's features.